You could see all the way to the Black Sea. It wasn't black, but it sure was cold! The winds were whipping all the way in from Russia.
I mentioned on an earlier post how people fought to get a seat top-side. By the time we got here, everyone was pushing to get inside the cabin! Doreen chose wisely.
This is an interesting element in the castle. It is a Greek Cross with lettering on it. Most crosses were destroyed when Mehmet II took over. This castle had several stones like this with the crosses still surviving.
Dogs are well liked, and well treated everywhere in Turkey that I have seen. These two are using phone booths to nap. But they would be napping everywhere you look.
Many of them have tags in their ears. I am not sure if they designate ownership (doubtful, as dogs are "unclean" to Muslims) or the fact that they have had their shots.
Many of the dogs were very good looking.
The tags in the ears of the dogs mean that they've had their shots or have been sterilized. You see a lot of dogs living on the street around Turkey, because a lot of people buy the dogs from pet shops and decide to throw them away after a few months - after they see dogs are not easy to look after. And then the council needs to sterilize and vaccinate them. Poor things those dogs!